Archive for the 'Web Design' Category

Litmus – Web Page and Email Testing Platform

Today I heard about the impending launch of the new incarnation of the SiteVista web page and email testing tool ‘Litmus‘. A quick email later and I got myself a shiny beta invite and took it for a spin (thanks Paul).

There are some screen shots up on the SiteVista blog which give a fair impression of the kind of thing we are talking about here. Some of the features that might not be so obvious from the screen shots are such things as test versioning, public access/collaboration control, the ability to save browser combinations, multi-user collaboration, test histories and I’m sure a whole load of other stuff that I am yet to discover in my limited noodling…

Having tried a couple of the other tools of this ilk (Browsercam, Browsershots, Browsrcamp) I would say that Litmus will definitely ‘raise the bar’ in terms of features, UI and performance.

So… keep your eye on the SiteVista blog and expect some action any day now…

Disclosure: I have worked with the gentlemen of Salted but I am a man of morals and wouldn’t post something here that I didn’t mean.

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